DVD Review - Logan

This poster captures the essence of the film really well!
Hello everyone,

I finally had some free time to go back to movie reviewing for a while and got to see the end of the X-Men era movies by 20th Century Fox. After the meltdown that was X-Men Apocalipse (that I didn't even bother reviewing) could this movie save or kill the Wolverine franchise?

Well... Neither!

This is a bit of a mixed feelings movie for me! On one hand, I loved the indie story/script style to the whole film. I loved the relationships between the characters and how they develop throughout the story but, ultimately, this is not a good super-hero movie. It's a great movie about people with powers but you don't feel the entire Marvel universe in the movie.

I was kinda feeling missing the fantasy, the world implications, the need-to-save-the-earth of the comics in this movie. My take is that they could explore a lot more the secret ops military part of the movie to give it a real "kick"at the end maybe. Instead, they decided to make it more about Logan and the child (which makes for a much better drama) but not such a fun experience.

To be fair I must say that I liked the movie! It gave me a kind of indie comic vibe to it and a much deeper emotional story but, in the end, that's still not the Wolverine I was looking for!

A three out of five!


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