News - The Division 1.9 [What I expect]

No, this is not an official statement by Ubisoft. This is just some of the things that I feel should be a part of the game and could be included before The Division 2 is ever a real thing.

I've been playing a lot of Division lately and, although I'm quite happy with what we have, I feel there's still a little room for improvement. So, here's my two cents on the game...

  • Let us do the weekly cache on a single day - As is, we need to go back for three days to make the six missions needed to do the weekly cache. This is a bit of a nuisance since it kinda "forces" us to have to finish it in three days when, if it worked like a normal weekly, we could do it in one.
  • Hunters should drop more Classifieds and/or Exotics - I've killed a lot of hunters in UG but I've yet to find a classified and basically got one drop of exotic (the Cassidy). Hunters are easy with the right team but a pain if not. Their drops should be things that makes us go back to the Underground more.
  • Better rewards for the 3 Phase + 5 Directives missions - After we've done the daily's and gain the weekly cache there's really no reason to stay in the UG. If the harder missions had a better chance of giving a classified or exotic at the end, I'm sure most people would stay or go back just for it.
  • Special Weekend or Event for Underground - Just something to let us go back once in a while. Maybe related to hunter drops since they appear more frequently on the UG.

Last Stand (And Squirmish)
  • Better rewards for NPC's kills - I see a lot of players trying to shoot other players but I've yet to find rewards for those who help the team by catching the tactical points multiplier or the points for kills tactical point. I do this almost every game and sometimes we win just for that and yet, I don't see my score improve over this fact. I should get some sort of percentage for the kills I've helped improve.
  • Better matchmaking - I'm tired of the level 99 pros agains't the level 10 noobs all the time. I basically go to Last Stand just to die. Fix it so the level of the players is more balanced and we all get a chance to a win once in a while.
  • Equalize Builds - I know this is probably asking too much since the game is much more PvE oriented but... give it a try so we don't all have to consistently die to the guy with Striker and Shotgun build.
  • Optimization for progression - I don't know how anyone gets to level 99 without a team or a group. The progression is so slow I've been playing for almost five months now and I've yet to reach level 40 on Last Stand. Most people just probably quit and move to something else since the progression bar is just too slow for most. Maybe change it so we can see progression after three or for matches without having to be the top player all the time.
  • Signaling who's on what squad - We are a eight player team in squads of four. But, when we play, I have no ideas who's on what squad! It's all a mix! If I'm with other three players, I wanna know where they are so I can help them and also communicate with them better. Just change the icon color to blue, if they're on my squad, and orange if they are not. Is that asking too much?
  • Change the re-spawn to random - There's one map that you literally re-spawn at a dead end. If the other team knows about this, they simply have to get to that re-spawn point and kill each and every one of us even before we get into the game. Not cool. We should re-spawn where there are no enemy agents.

  • More incentives to replay - Rewards, stats, caches open, enemies killed or not killed, close/far to objective, number of items grabbed, number of pieces crafted, all this should count in survival. Since most players are killed even before they even get to the Dark Zone, this would somehow help with the hour they spend in that expansion, instead of just one survival cache.
  • Unlockable map - This is one big step! What if, every time you step into Survival you could "unlock" part of the map? That way, the more you play the more you know about the map and were you can find enemies or stash (cause it would already be signaled). This would benefit returning players and help with survival all in one go. And seeing as you never play survival the same way twice, it would always be a new experience.
  • Special cache for sidearm - The only thing you have to begin with is your side arm right? So why not, at the beginning, give the chance to have your own sidearm you already have equipped before? Or maybe find it on a nearby stash? That would help with most NPC's from the start and give a little leverage to new players.
  • Quicker to get in/out on Survival - I often have to wait 10 minutes to get in. Get killed in 30 and then have to wait another 10min to get in again. This is not only tedious but it defeats the purpose of re-playability. Just make someone get in as soon as someone dies and leaves. I know the actual mechanic favors those who stay longer but all that doesn't work when no one is finishing and the revival mechanic is hardly ever used (no one is going to wait 5 minutes just looking at a screen). We can get in and out of incursions that are harder and gives us exotic caches at the end. Survival needs to rival this if you want people to keep coming back.

Dark Zone
  • Hunters could show up at extraction, Landmark waves and Manhunt sites - Why the hell not? They already appear on the UG and on the Dark Zone extraction in Survival so why not make them also show on the DZ the same way? Just another way to help with rewards and maybe against those pesky rogues.
  • Leverage for solo agents - As is, the DZ is scaled much more in favor of Rogue groups than Solo agents. Seeing as most newcomers are solo player non rogues, there should be some kind of leverage for their sake as well. The possibility to enter safe houses or check points when hunted by groups of rogues is one of those. The other is the possibility (if solo) to switch off the manhunt beacon and win proficiency, letting the rogue agents having to deal with another beacon someplace else (but also with better rewards of course).

West Side Pier
  • Missions should give same rewards has on DZ landmarks - Maybe with less exotic/classified drops since there's no extraction.
  • Inclusion of hidden caches - Like DZ and with hourly reset. That way you can go farming for caches for a while if you have some free time.
  • Include some sort of underground mission - This is the only map that has no underground anywhere. Maybe the introduction of contaminated mission like on the DZ would help chance the scenery a bit.

  • Ask players if they wanna continue after every 5 waves - Yes, you could still leave mid-game and make matchmaking but at least you'd have some breathing room and not leave the whole squad wondering it you disconnected or left for real. This way, after you win your Resistance cache, you can decide if you wanna continue or not, leaving a little time to matchmake for those who stay.
  • Reward players who stay longer - The credits won by those leaving would be added to the other players and the player who stays longer would get more credits per kill for it. I think that would only be fair.
  • Resistance Heroic/Legendary - Toughest enemies, better rewards.

Game all together
  • Let us know what activities our friends are doing - None of this "Is on different maps" thing. Tell us if he's solo or in a group and what he's doing. "Is doing HVT in a group in Lexington", "Is doing Resistance solo in Pier 93", "Is doing Underground Challenging in a group", "Is doing Survival solo". Those are the things we wanna know.
  • Instant travel to your friends everywhere - No matter what activity they're doing, you should be able to join them, unless the group is full.
  • Sort stash and backpack - By type (check), by level, by classified, by build, by exotics, by weapon. There's so much loot we really need some help here.
  • More Loadouts on each characters - We now have six slots for Loadouts on each character. The game has 14 classified builds, not to mention hybrid builds plus exotics. I think we can do better than this since not everyone has the time to make new characters just to accommodate new builds or classifieds.
  • Different colors/symbol for classifieds - This is a big one since the only difference (on the menu) between a "normal" green gear and a Classified is the little briefcase icon that one can totally miss in the middle of all the gear drops. There should be another color or even a new symbol for classified gear. For those (like myself) who have wrongly deleted a classified piece of gear, this would be a huge help.
  • Include a One Shot One Kill game-changer Exotic sniper (Barrett.50 M82A1) - Like the Showstopper with Striker build or a House with Predator build, this game could benefit from a "game-changer" Sniper Exotic since it's a common factor that most shooter players love this and it's missing from the game right now.

And finally...
  • You need a good App for this game - Between map locations, commendations, stash adjustments, mods, builds, events, expansions and all sorts of weapons/gear between different characters, there's only so much time we can spend in-game doing this. Having to power-up a playstation (or PC) just to deal with two hours of stash management makes absolutely no sense. Build an app and help us monetize our game-time a lot better.

This is all. Sounds like a lot but most these things are just adjustments to existing gameplay or in-game menu options. For the Division 1.9 I'm not expecting them to bring anything new, I would much rather they made the existing content more productive, rewarding and fun to play.

Hope it helped in some sort and Ubisoft... I hope you're listening!


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