The Division 1.8.1 - D3-FNC Classified Build


If you're in a console, please turn vibration off before playing this build. I promise you if you don't, you'll feel like you're holding a jack hammer all the time. My hands even started to hurt a bit from all the senseless shake the build provides when playing it. 

Shields... When you think about it, coming into a firefight, a shield could come in serious hand. And, if the shield gives you a health or firearms buff, even better right? The D3-FNC (or Defense) build is great to use on any team play and sometimes, if you get more than one on your team, you can probably clear most NPC's never losing health. However you do have to be caution about some issues using it.

The Weapons

House / Talents: Deadly + Competent
▴ Ti-Rant Supressor (CHD, CHC, HSD)
▴ Small Grip - Red (CHD, Reload Speed, Accuracy)
▴ Extended Mag (+5%RoF, CHD)
▴ C79 Scope (CHD, CHC, Stability)

Lightweight M4 / Talents: Deadly + Competent
▴ Omega Rifle Supressor (CHD, HSD, Opt. Range)
▴ Small Grip - Red (CHD, Stability, Accuracy)
▴ Extended Mag (+5%RoF, CHD)

▴ MK4 M5A2 Scope (Opt. Range, HSD, Accuracy)

Centurion / Talents: Expert + Harmful
▴ Ti-Rant Suppressor (CHD, CHC, Opt. Range)
▴ Ext. Mag (+4.5% RoF, CHD)

The House will be your main weapon for 99% of the time but, in case you lose your shield and still need to make damage, you can stay back and rely on your long range Lightweight M4. Don't worry, your skills won't take too long to cool down, so you'll have your shield back in no time.

The build can be pushed to 9000 Stamina for higher buffs but, for my needs, this worked fine.
The Gear

Body Armor
▴ Health + Skill Haste + Ammo Capacity
▴ Skill Power + 1 Resistance
▴ Skill Power + 3 Resistances
▴ Skill Power + Ammo Capacity
▴ SMG Damage + CHD + CHC

Gear Mods

▸ 4x (+3% Skill Haste Stamina) + 1x (+1% CHC Stamina) 
▸ 4x (Ballistic Shield Damage Resilience) if Solo or 4x (Ballistic Shiel Damage) for team

Skill Power or Skill Haste are the best options using this build so your shield and support station cooldown times will be low. As for performance mods, if you're in a team you can increase your melee attack with BSD but I recommend Resilience if you wanna keep your shield up longer.


▸ Immunizer + Recovery Link + Assault Shield (Team) / Kinetic Breaker (Solo)


▸ Adrenaline + Critical Save + Strike Back + On the Move

Final Verdict

If there was ever a definition for "bullet magnet", this build was it! When you play with it you're at the forefront of combat and (as a consequence) all NPC's will target you over other team members. That has it's up and downs... On one hand, your teammates can make major damage on your enemies.  But on the other, it's a hard life for you.

You can't move fast and your targeting won't be as good since - if you play with vibration like I did - you'll just shake the whole time. Not my favorite build to use but I have to admit that, just like with  my Reclaimer build, I was able to finish all legendary mission with some ease using it. I leave it for you to consider it or not.

Thanks for your time and I'll see you next build agents!

◆ You can check my other classified builds here ◆
FireCrestTacticianReclaimerBansheeLoneStarD3-FNCSentry's CallHunter's FaithFinal MeasureAlpha BridgeDead EyePredator's MarkStriker [6k], Nomad.


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