The Division 1.8.1 - Alpha Bridge Classified Build

Not all builds are good builds,

This is very much true for the Alpha Bridge. If there was no other build in the game and everyone had to use this one it would be quite the thing but, since we have better damage builds, better support builds and better skill builds, this one has a real problem finding a place in The Division. But a place it has!


The main feature of the Alpha Bridge Classified is that it triggers a super each time you kill a target, and that super rotates every 8 seconds. Now, this sounds like a great thing right?! Problem is the super only triggers for you and you are not affected by other player supers. To make matters worse, in a group play, you're not going to be the main DPS player so you won't always get the kill bullet to trigger your super. Besides that - when you do trigger it - it may not be the super you want so you're stuck with a Recovery Link when you're looking for a Tactical Link or a Tactical link when what you need is Health. This build is made to work around those issues!

The Weapons

Lightweight M4 / Talents: Talented + Meticulous + Predatory
▴ Loud Vent (CHD, CHC, Stability)
▴ Small Grip - Red (CHD, Reload Speed, Stability)
▴ Extended Mag (+5% RoF, CHD)
▴ Holosight 552 (CHC, CHD, Stability)

Lightweight M4 / Talents: Talented + Meticulous + Commanding
▴ SR-7 Supressor (CHC, CHD, Stability)
▴ Angled Grip (CHD, Reload Speed, Stability)
▴ Extended Mag (+5% RoF, CHD)
▴ CQBSS (CHD, CHD, Stability)

Custom PF45 / Talents: Coolhead + Determined
▴ Ti - Rant Suppressor (CHC, CHD, Optimal Range)
▴ Small Laser Pointer (Accuracy, Reload Speed, CHD)
▴ Extended Mag (CHC, CHD)

With Alpha Bridge the third talent on both Assault Rifles are shared on each gun, so both of them share Predatory (that allows you to have health triggered with each kill) and Commanding (that extends your Signature Skill each time I kill a target. Talented is to increase power on your skills and Meticulous is to have a better chance of making the kill hit without having to switch weapon and/or reloading.

Weapons talents are one of the main concerns using the Alpha Bridge. Get it wrong and the Build just doesn't work!
The Gear

Body Armor
▴ Skill Haste + Health + Ammo Capacity
▴ CHC + 1 Resistance
▴ Health + 3 Resistances
▴ Health + Ammo Capacity
▴ CHC + CHD + Assault Rifle Damage
▴ Health (or CHC)

Gear Mods

▸ 5x (+3000 Health Firearms)
▸ 4x (+6% First Aid Self Heal)

There's no reason to use a support station on this build. You're not here to support anyone, you're here to kill as fast as you can without losing health, so what you need the most is all the health you can get without losing weapon damage.


▸ Overdose + Recovery Link + Airbuster (Solo) / Flashbang (Team)


▸ Critical Save + Strike Back + Tech Support + On the Move

Final Verdict

To put it bluntly, this build's place is in the Stash! Unless you're looking for a fun fast way to get through your daily missions and some open world supply drops solo, I really don't see a place for it on the game. Having said that, I did a Flawless run with it on Lincoln Tunnel so... if you don't have other options give this one a try.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next build!

◆ You can check my other classified builds here ◆
FireCrestTacticianReclaimerBansheeLoneStarD3-FNCSentry's CallHunter's FaithFinal MeasureAlpha BridgeDead EyePredator's MarkStriker [6k], Nomad.


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