The Division 1.8.1 - Dead Eye Classified Build

As you may now (or not),

The Division 1.8.1 will have a major update soon and some Classified Builds will be chanced or nerfed. Fortunately, the Dead Eye is not on the list for major chances so this build will probably work  the same in The Division 1.8.2. Public announcement done, let's move to the build!


As most of you are aware at this point, snipping isn't really a major thing in The Division. Sure, there are some good weapons but you can't really do all the activities using only a sniper. The Dead Eye tries to overcome this by letting you have 100% critical hit while zoomed in cover and boosting damage after a headshot kill. But I'll warn you that - if you're in a console - you'll need a steady hand to make it work.

The Weapons

Paratrooper SVD / Talents: Deadly + Brutal + Disciplined
▴ Omega Rifle Supressor (CHD, CHC, HSD)
▴ Small Grip (CHD, Optimal Range, Stability)
▴ Extended Mag (+5% RoF, CHC)
▴ C79 Scope (CHC, CHD, HSD)

M700 Carbon / Talents: Deadly + Prepared + Elevated
▴ Omega Rifle Supressor (HSD, CHD, Optimal Range)
▴ Handstop (CHD, Reload Speed, Optimal Range)
▴ Extended Mag (CHC, CHD)
▴ MK4 M5A2 Scope (HSD, Stability, Optimal Range)

First Wave X - 45 / Talents: Expert + Harmful
▴ Ti - Rant Suppressor (CHC, CHD, Accuracy)
▴ Small Laser Pointer (Accuracy, Stability, CHD)
▴ Heavy Magazine Spring (+10% Rof, CHC)

You should use your main weapon with a small scope to see most NPC movement, this will help you land most shots on target with critical hit. Take out the bolt-action M700 only when you have a favorable snipping position on a major boss so you can do most damage and not get hit.

Your headshot damage may be nerfed but that doesn't mean you can't still use the talent on your main weapon.
The Gear

Body Armor
▴ Skill Haste + All Resistance + Ammo Capacity
▴ Skill Power + 1 Resistance
▴ Exotic Damage resilience (Health or Skill Haste) + 3 Resistances
▴ Skill Power (Health) + Ammo Capacity
▴ CHC + CHD + Marksman Rifle Damage
▴ Health

Gear Mods

▸ 2x (+3% Skill Haste Firearms) + 3x (+1% CHC Firearms)
▸ 4x (+2% Pulse Critical Hit Damage)

You absolutely need 10k Firearms to make this build work. After that, the build should focus on Health and Skill Haste. Having said that, you must be smart in what weapons/mods you have equipped to position yourself accordingly. 


▸ Booster Shot + Survival Link + Scrambler (PvP)
▸ Immunizer + Recovery Link + Tactical Scanner (PvE)


▸ Critical Save + Strike Back + Steady Hands + One is None

Final Verdict

I know most people love the Dead Eye for snipping but (to be honest) I feel the Hunter's Faith is superior. If not for anything else, it doesn't nerf your Headshot Damage (quite the opposite) and, using a sniper build, that's what I'm going for! Also, the fact that the build kinda forces you to always be in scope, it makes you kinda of a "sitting duck" for someone approaching from angles you can't see. The only time I felt this build worked was switching the body armor for a Reckless Chest piece and pump it full of Firearms Damage to Elite mods for Legendary missions. Outside of that, can't really recommend it for anything else. I'll leave it to your consideration!

Thanks for reading and I'll see you next build!

◆ You can check my other classified builds here ◆
FireCrestTacticianReclaimerBansheeLoneStarD3-FNCSentry's CallHunter's FaithFinal MeasureAlpha BridgeDead EyePredator's MarkStriker [6k], Nomad.


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