Summer Wars
Yes... This a good movie!
Actually, it's a great movie! If you've ever seen the Digimon movie, this universe is similiar but a little bit different. It has all the tremmings for a nice story: boy meets girl, boy loves girl but doen't know how to say it, boy saves world, boy gets girl.
It's a relative simple story but it works fine. And there's a lot of gag's and subtle things that you pic up when you watch the movie.
The animatios is top noch and the characters (in and out of reality) are really good. I watched this movie on a rainy afternoon and it light-up my evening. A "feel good" movie that i really recomend to everyone who loves anime.
I also loved the fact that it was Yosiyuki Sadamoto (Neon Genesis Evangelion) who was responsible for the character design.
Take a look...
Get's a very good 5 out of 5. (",)