DVD Review - 300: Rise of an Empire

Aka The Battle of Artemis. Aka 300 II. Aka What the hell where they thinking when they made this sequel!?
There are two kinds of people for this movie. The ones who have seen the first and the one's who haven't.

For those who have not seen the first 300 movie all I'm gonna say is this is a pop-corn movie where the great visual effects try - to no avail - overcome the incredible lack of story. Sure, we can see Eva Green in all her feminine beauty and badass-conquering-princess-assassin but even that is not enough to sell this otherwise plotless (and otherwise uninteresting) movie.

If you have seen the first 300 movie, and know all about the mighty spartans against the persian army at the battle of thermopilas, get ready for a colossal disappointment!

This movie has a number of naval on sea fights but they are all pretty much the same every time. If you see the trailer you know exactly what you are gonna get and the new Xerxes just kills the awesome god-king villain mystique that he once had. Besides that, the main cast Sullivan Stapleton (which I'm sure is a great guy) just couldn't handle the movie alone on his shoulders and comes out as a simple lead with nothing special or even back story to add a little bit more depth to his character.

All in all this is just one of those movies that, unless you have a great cinema display at home and lots of popcorns, you won't miss not seeing!

A unworthy 2 out of 3.


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