Movie Review - MAD MAX: Fury Road

Yes the movie is as crazy as the poster! Who knew right?!
This is was quite the surprise!

First of all I wasn't really gonna see this movie. I thought "Yeah it's Mad Max. I already know the universe and the characters and what's about. I don't think I need to check it out!" It was only after all the buzz on the web about this that I say "Now wait a minute..." and decided to have it a go.

And OH MY GOD!!! For once the web was right!!!

This is one apocalyptic mother f***ing over the top kick to the balls petrolhead motormouth rock-climbing gasoline flavor vehicular warfare armageddon of movie! That... and it's also pretty bitching too!

This took a much more nitty gritty turn to the universe but kept a much more simple, down to earth feel to it. Sure the movie has some CG yes but what's really awesome is the non-stop race/fight rock n' Rolla unstop action that you get in this!

I'm not saying everyone will like it! It's mostly a testosterone male complex roller coster of awesomeness but... It's a freaking amazing one!

You can't really bring all your family to it but I still have to give it a four our of five!


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