Beta Review - Tom Clancy's The Division

If anyone would like to make a movie out of this game... here's the poster!
Hey guys,

So this is a first for me. I've never done a review of a beta game but since I did play this one I was hoping to share my opinion with you guys. Gamers or just enthusiasts alike here we go...

WARNING: I'm not (repeat not) a shooter guy nor did I ever played too many shooter in my life. I did the demo on Destiny but that's about it so all I'll be writing about is about the experience of playing this game not all the nit picking of what not as a shooter. Just a heads up for all you hardcore shooter guys out there! Also, this was review was done on a PS4 using a normal game pad.

Lemme just star by saying I really enjoyed playing this Beta. As I've said I'm not a shooter kind of guys but this really took a big turn on me when it comes to TPS.

The good things: I loved the universe. Not post apocalyptical, not sci-fi, not zombies but something for a good solid excuse to be in NY shooting up the place. I loved the character and the weapons customization, many weapons and many different types of a way varied arsenal to use. I loved the city. Never been to New York but this is probably the closest I will get to it and with such awesome effects, most times I took my time getting somewhere just to look at the view (except when someone was shooting at me).

The not so good: They call this an RPG, well... not really! I didn't found nearly as much NPC as I would like and the back story was only found through two main missions and not from all the people. They do provide side missions but even those don't have cut scenes or provide any value information to the focused story, I would like to explore the city and just by accident find someone that says something to investigate or look forward a bit more. I didn't like that and Dark Zone (DZ).

The concepts for this game are just something awesome.
Here's my problem with the Dark Zone. Unless you're playing cooperatively in a team, it's pretty much a free-for-all! Like I said, I'm not a shooter kinda guy so after leveling to 8 on the main quest I went to the DZ for more stuff. My surprise? Everyone there was 9 or over!!! OMG I just wanted to explore and all the time guys and NPC keep shooting up the place. You may say "But hey man, that's whats the DZ is for!" true! But I felt that for the DZ, to be liable as a solo campaign,  needs two things.

One: You need some kind of extraction of loot without going to extraction points. A drone or ballon (MGS Phantom Pain) as well as check points should work as extraction points for your loot as well.
And here's why...

Two: Unfortunately most times there are just rogues or (non)rogues waiting to get your loot! They not only take your items but they don't even appear on the radar (cause they are friendly) so as soon as you call for extraction, they start shooting and you, not only lose your loot, they also rank up for killing you. Not cool! I think ALL AGENTS SHOULD BE MARKED ON RADAR FRIENDS OR FOES. That way at least you can set up your extraction better. Again, this is for anyone playing alone of course.

More stuff: Turrets should only target foes and not everyone cause one time I was marked rogue doe to "friendly fire". There should be a friendly fire warning and targeting who's shooting so you at least you get a change to know what is what so then you can continue or stop your actions. Drones for extraction (at least one item or two). More NPC's and more exploring. Also I hope you don't need a PlaystationPlus account when the game comes out to play the DZ. Game and PSPlus makes the price of the game a lot more than most can afford!

All in all it's a great game apart the DZ free-for-all issue. If the game doesn't provide more for solo prayers like myself I don't think it will top previous games from Ubisoft.

All in all a 4 out of 5.


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