DVD Review - The Revenant

A great film but I can't say I was that impressed by it. Leonardo... all that cold really paid off on awards!
So, I didn't get the chance to catch this film on the theaters so now I think it's a good time to review it in the comforts of home.

Before I saw it I already knew the story pretty much. Leonardo's oscar performance and the excellent director's (Alejandro Iñárritu) eye for slow landscape filming cinematography was what I was expecting.

Now, is this worth a watch? Most definitely! But, is this a good movie?... Well not so much!

I'll explain. While the movie is a great piece of cinema, it lacks on the overall expectations of the viewer. I found no surprises, no new points of view, no novelties, nothing that could point this as a "landmark" in film. Some might say "But those awesome landscape vistas?!". Yes they're great... for National Geographic (and I've even seen better from NG). In this movie they just slow the movie down and make you breathe between long - extreme violent - scenes but they don't add anything to the movie (story wise I mean).

I feel it's a great piece of film but not a great movie. DiCaprio brings a wonderful performance and yes he deserved the Oscar for it but he's been worthy of that prize way before this movie.

To finish. A good piece of cinema doesn't always mean a good fun time at the movies.

A most chilled three out of five.


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