DVD Review - Assassin's Creed

A great cast. A great franchise. Lot's of money. Where did they go wrong?! Timing.
Hello everyone!

Time to bring you some new reviews and this time I have another videogame/film adaptation for your consideration.

We all know that the relationship between Hollywood and videogames has never been the best. They've had their ups but mainly they've had a lot of downs. Clear exceptions are the Tomb Raider franchise and a somewhat entertaining Prince of Persia, that aside, all other adaptations have not been what the fans (or fim goers) where hoping for... and this is another "good" example of that!

As a concept, Assassin's Creed looks promising! Secret societies, an all powerful artifact, sci-fi elements and historic settings, all the things that can make a movie (and a videogame) great. The problem here is not the concept in itself but the story behind it and the timing of when it's released!

The story focus too much on the religious and the medieval rivalries between the ancient Middle East and the medieval Europe, with the righteous side being the middle east that still holds a grudge against the Church and all his acolites. Sounds familiar?! Yeah... kinda familiar!

After seeing this I was left with an after taste that you were not seeing a sci-fi fantasy movie but somewhat of a political statement of how the word is now. I'm sure this was not the point of either the producer, or director, or anyone on the movie but (sadly) that's how I felt.

I wasn't entertained. I didn't forget the worlds problems. It was quite the opposite! I was reminded of a lot of contemporary issues that I was trying to evade at least the duration of the movie.

Too bad! They tried!

A two out of five!


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