Movie Review - John Wick 3: Parabellum

This (un)official poster is just as cool as the movie. Believe me!
John Wick...

If you ever heard this name, and seen the movies, you know this is synonym of full on, blown out, bad ass, kick to the teeth, action movie. And - once again - it delivers just that!

I have to say, after being terribly disappointed by Avenger: Endgame (2019), I was praying that this movie didn't got the same treatment and the producer, or director, tried the old "reinvent the wheel", "out of the box" thing that Marvel did.

And fortunately... they didn't!

The movie follows the same path of it's predecessors. The universe expands a bit, we get a glimpse of the early days of John Wick and we see the world under the influence of the High Table. Honestly, this was like seeing the best comic ever written come to life!

Loved Keanu Reeves, loved Halle Berry, loved Mark Dacascos, loved the fighting, loved the weapon handling, loved the universe (that I'm pretty sure will expand further), loved the villain, loved everything really. This, to me, is exactly how you make an action, fun movie. You don't over think it or over explain it, you just show it and let the audience fill the gaps through the dialogue.

Only down side of this is, at the end, the fighting becomes a bit monotonous and arduous to see. Not that it stops being cool, but I feel the director implemented way too much time into them after we already seen most moves and face offs before in the film.

Never the less, they work on their on and the movie's all better for it!

A notable four out of five!


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