Yes... This is the review you have been wainting for!
Did the movie rise to the ocasion, or did it plunge down on the ground.
First, let me tell you what the movie's about (just in case you have not been on planet earth for the last six months). You're a marine soldier that has won a one way ticket to Pandora, a minning planet in orbit around Jupiter.
And what are they minning for? "Inobtainium" (Yeah!... Like the thing is very hard to get). And what is your porpuse in Pandora? You're part of a cientific experiment that allows you to control, via sinaptic-link, one of the Na'vi (the humanoid figures on the planet) throug the use of an AVATAR. And thats pretty much it...
But what did I think about the movie?
Well... As I was seeing it, a lot of other movies poped in to my mind: Apocalipto, Star Wars, Titanic, Lord of the Rings, Tarzan, and even Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within.
You may not believe it but I think Cameron was actually trying to do remake of the Final Fantasy Movie! Same theme, same drama, same colour pallete, even some of the vehicules look alike, the only difference is that instead of an urban enviroment, we are blessed with a unike luminescence florest that looks (and feels) out of this world!
And that's just it! All that I saw was bits and pieces of other movies glued and packed togheter to look like a very new and elaborated film, wich (I'm sorry to say) it's not!
AVATAR is a good movie, a great movie, but is not an awesome movie. It lacks that expression that makes us say "Hey man!? That really looks like Avatar!" that you see in other movies. Like when you see Star Wars you think 'light sabers, big spaceship fights and the force', when you see the Matrix, well you think 'the matrix', when you see LOR you think' big all out in your face armys clashing', but when you see Avatar you think 'cool 3D and navi'... and that's pretty much it.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Avatar but the fun just isn't there! (I know you are going to hate me for this but...) I can say that 2012 was more entertaining than AVATAR, because it surprised me and took me for a fun ride!
Never the less, it is a mark on cinema just like the Titanic was 15 years ago and for thet, it deserves our credit.
To conclude (because I know the internet doesn't like big texts): The 3D doesn't add anything new to the movie. If it didn't had it, it would still be a good a movie as it is, and believe me, there are others that use a lot more force prespective and "in your face shots" to take credit for the technology. But it is, undouthbly, a plus on the movie experience.
Get's a 4 out of 5. (",)