DVD Review - Journey to the West: Conquering Demons

A movie that has action, comedy, drama and gore. Did it work? Not really.
Ever heard of blockbuster comedy action chinese movies? No... well now you have!

If you know director Stephew Chow, you know that he likes to mix a bit of comedy and non-sense in every movie he makes and, after Kung-Fu Hustle, I was expecting a rather entertaining and full action kung-fu movie. Unfortunately that was no the case...

This movie has several problems with it. The storyline is not very easy to follow, his momentum is lost many times and - worse of all - it has a kind of a gore to it that i didn't particularly liked to see.

It's almost a mix of gore, action, comedy and drama that all mixed up leaves with a bitter after taste. It has bits of comedy that I loved but I rather have it just that and all non-sense action then what they did here.

You will only enjoy it if you're a real fan of asian movies for it's different flavor, but I must warn you... don't expect to be amazed!

A bitter-sweet two out of five!


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