DVD Review - Dragon (Wu Xia)
Welcome to summer!!! And we all know what summer means... Summer movies! So this time I bring a bunch of great summer fun action asian movies for you to appreciate.
Starting with Dragon (or Wu Xia in the original).
Ok, the title is a bit misguiding cause when you think "Dragon" and asian movies you probably think Bruce or Jet Lee or something. But there is another great martial arts actor that's trying to elevate or at least maintain the high level of fight movies coming from across the Pacific and his name is Donnie Yen.
This is supposed to be the one of this best movies and it is in a sense. But not his best martial arts movie.
The story is really captivating but a bit too long and the movies has only three major fight sequences which, in a almost two hour movie, is very little. I mean I had fun with it but I can only really recommend it unless you're a die hard core Donnie martial arts fan.
Still, I liked it!
A three out of five.