Movie Review - Doctor Strange

Wooooowww... How inceptive of you Doctor Strange!
What to say about this new Marvel movie?

I must say Doctor Strange is not one of the best known marvel characters but it is by far one of the the most interesting and has the best potencial to expand... in universal ways.

It fights demons, mystic creatures, endless universes, and a enormous cast of villains both human and inhuman, for that reason, this film is without a doubt one of my most anticipated of 2016. It did not disappoint but  (sadly ) it did not surprise me as much as I had hoped!

The hero turns out to be a kinda of Stark ego/arrogant millionaire but still a likable funny guy to begin with and I though they should go with a more unlikable persona to make his rise on the mystic arts even more revealing and challenging.

Don't get me wrong the movie still works and I believe that he will play a key role in the following Marvel movies. I was just hoping the movie had a little bit more to offer like other recent franchises kinda like Deadpool.

All in all it's a great, funny, action movie but I believe this was just the opening act to what I expect to be a much more grandeur and over the top chapter next time.

A mystic three out of five!


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