DVD Review - The Mechanic: Ressurection

Remember this poster very carefully... cause it's about the only thing you save from this film.
Ok guys,

You know I like my popcorn action movies! You know that, sometimes, no matter how bad the movies is, if there's some fun or a sense of logic to it I enjoy it. But people... there's a limit!

And this movie, even for a Jason Statham movie, is a baaaaaaaad movie!

The worst that this movie has is not the continuos explosions, bone breaking, miss logic! Oh no! I'm fine with that. The problem is the swiss cheese, hole filling script that is to die for and makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

It's like they had a concept for a movie poster and then made the whole movie around it. some sense of a story was completely out of the picture (literally).

Jason is not to blame. He's paid to do what he does. But if I were you, I'd sit this one out!

A one out of five!


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