DVD Review - Ant-man And The Wasp

Hello everyone,

Friday here and time for a quick film review. As you all may or may not know, big super-hero movie fan here, so, after the awesome Avengers: Infinity War (2018) the question in everyone's mind was of course, where's Ant-Man?! (Ok, that and... What the hell happen with Hawkeye? But for the purposes of this article I'm going to just focus on Ant-man.)

So is this movie any good?! Well yes but... 

Here's the thing, Ant-Man isn't really the most popular or loved or cherished super-hero we've ever heard of and while yes, Paul Rudd is a likable fellow, he isn't what we'd call hero charisma is it?! So, while the movie does work, I feel that the film is more of a side step to the Marvel cinematic universe then a stepping stone in any new direction.

Having stated this, I do feel this film could grow a bit more if some aspect of the story are enhanced in the future. The relation between Ant-Man and the Wasp is, of course one of those, but also a new universe inside the Marvel universe... The Quantum universe!

To be honest, I have to say I enjoyed the movie, I feel it's great for the younger super-hero audiences, I feel Paul Rudd could still carry this the Ant for one more movie, all in all it's good! But, good isn' t great is it?

All in all a three out of five!


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