News - The future of Ghost Recon

Hello everyone,

I've recently just went back to Ghost Recon: Wildlands (Ubisoft 2017) and I found out it had come a really long way from it's release.

First of all, we finally have a new PvP 4x4 battle mode called "Ghost War" and a new PvE battle system called "Ghost Mode". The game has had a huge increase in playability and, for more than two months, I played the entirety of the story and dribble a bit on PvP (simply cause PvE took too much of my time) and my statement is this. The game's better than it was but it will never reach full potential until it's made again from the ground up!

So, with that notion in mind, I decided to make kind of a "wishlist" for an upcoming Ghost Recon, if it's ever a reality.

My first inspiration for a new game comes from the movie Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018). This is a film about a special forces unit that does undercover missions to achieve CIA global objectives. I feel this is one sweet set up for a game. Maybe only South America, maybe globally, I don't know. It's a special force missions game and this tone suits it fine.

Sicario already has some cool features that I liked to see in GRW. The introduction of convoy protection, making relevant to have a heavier vehicle or a of a Base of Operations, for intelligence debriefing/analyses and weapon/gear management

I'd like them to treat it like episodes instead of areas with missions. This was kind of a problem for me in GRW cause you'd go all over the place doing missions in a random order - if so desired - but I always felt the game could benefit with a more linear narrative with each boss/target story having a beginning a middle and a end. With each "season" focusing on a specific target or area.

My wishlist continues:
● Leveling unlocks new skills (not skill points), they would also unlock gear and weapons.
●You could contract your team members from all over the world, depending on your resources or level. This would enable for a much more fun RPG element to your game (since I played solo and gave order to my own team), why not? You could treat it like an RPG game, you'd have a menu to build your team with skills, gear and weapons. If you co-op with another player you could choose from your own team what gear/skills to use (Sniper, Demolition, Tank, Recon, Pointman, assault, tank, etc... Think of them Specializations)
● Resources (money, gear, weapons, special items, boosters) are found in chests but also dropped by enemies. More missions, more kills, more resources.
● Fast travel to all locations and missions.
● Side missions appear after story's finished or area unlocked. Leaving exploration to the end game [much like Destiny 2 (Bungie) or The Division (Ubisoft)].
● Be able to quit a mission or restart (not having to die three times with no chance of escape).
●Make vehicles matter (not only Helo's for travel). Different missions require different vehicles. Convoy protection you need a heavy jeep, for stealth infiltration a boat, for a halo jump a C-130, etc..
●Have PvP from the start (same as in Ghost War, almost a complete new game there so it wouldn't interfere with PvE progression).

GRW really limited the customization and management of your team, basically just giving it orders. A more RPG approach to this would benefit game and player. Also, what's the point of having 24 vehicles if you only use a helo 99% of the time?

As for upcoming DLC's or updates: New targets, new missions or new areas. New recruitments for your team. New skills/weapons for you and your teammates. New game modes for PvE and PvP. And, that goes without saying, new cosmetics.

To finish: Have specific group missions, like mid-level raids, let say, hijack a freight train, needing  (for example) one healer, one snipers, two demolition, etc... You could choose your Specializations from your team members and use it as gear.

I feel these things could help maybe bring new life to this game. Of course with The Division 2 and the new upcoming Avatar game series, Ubisoft and Massive will have their hands full for a while but maybe, if not them, some other company can look at these ideas and make it into an awesome open world tactical team based shooter game!

Thanks for reading.


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