DVD Review - How to Train your Dragon: The Hidden World

A great ending to a great story. Loved it!

After the disappointment of the second movie, I must admit I wasn't expecting much from this movie. First, I'd lost a bit of the hype about the journey of Hiccup and second I felt that with the series and all the franchise, the movie would just be some kind "time-filler" for kids. But, fortunately, I was wrong...

The movie is the culmination of the entire universe of How To Train Your Dragon, with all it's heroes and characters. The universe get's a lot more color, a lot more gag's and depth, a new threat, and a heart warming story from a boy to chief and ultimately, to king!

It's a fun film, with friendly action and a scrip that touches on the first and second movies for a wrap on the entire thing with a soft warm felling.

I liked it and somehow I felt it kinda "saved" the negative impact of the second film. It leaves laughing, and wishing we all could ride dragons over sea and mountains one day... again!

A four out of five!


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