Things I wanna ear

Less :)

1) "Later"

I can't stand this word! When somebody tells me "I'll do that later" or "I'll call you later" or "Well see that later", it usually means "IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN". I hate people always with the 'later' this or 'later' that. Say "I'll do that this afternoon" or "I'll call you tomorrow" or " Well see that has soon has I have an answer from the dealer"... something. And then you better stick to it, because otherwise people will tend to think that you can't and assume anything and just stop asking for your advice or help. Remember, although many people don't say it, "your word is your bond".

2) "I don't/didn't have time"

This usually happens after they use the first I hate. The day has 24 hours, every hour has 60 minutes, I handle my affairs, and you didn't because you "didn't have time"? Why don't these people just grow a pair and say "I don't WANT TO do it". It would be simple and it would be TRUE. I'm not saying there wouldn't be an argument, but at least we would know who to count on and who not.

3) "Relax" or "Take it easy"

This is the expression users from the previous two "things I hate to ear" use most. After causing all sorts of trouble, they TELL me to "relax". Well, I CAN'T! Because YOU did not help me "relax". YOU promised me something and then you didn't deliver. So, I'm sorry, but I WON'T "relax" and I won't "take it easy".

More :)

1) Thank you

See, simple. If you promise and deliver, this is what you should ear.

2) I'm sorry

Not "sorry", that just sounds fake. If you can't deliver or just screw up, this is what you must say. It probably won't save you from being chewed down, but at least they might be lenient to you.

3) Please

Is it so hard to say this word? Don't say "get me this", "go get that", "jump", "roll over" or "play dead". We are not animals, and oddly enough we do have self-estime and respect. Just use "please" before every request and things will go a lot smoothly.

4) Excuse me

Not "Excuuuuse me!". Just use it like "please" you know, and I can almost guarantee that people will see you with better eyes.

In conclusion, if despite all you efforts people treat you bad, it may not give you the right to be has bad or worst then them, but at least you tried. I slander and I curse like everybody else, I just don't make a habit of it... So don't over do it or you may turn into a JACKASS!


Special Thanks to Leonidas666 for letting me use his text. I share the same fellings...


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