DVD Review - Book of Life

Never did the dead look so colorful and happy in a movie! Perhaps too colorful maybe?
Hya guys, been a long time no?

Well I'm back for some new reviews and a few laughs and this time I have a treat for you, a animation, a movie and a game. Wooooohhh... so exciting!

So I'll start with the animation and this one had a couple of things I liked. A simple story with some new characters and sets, the "claymation" aspect of the movie that almost reminded me of a somewhat Tim Burton flavor and the colors. Never has a movie about death appeal so much to a younger generation.

However and in-spite of the Guillermo Del Toro feel that I quiet enjoyed I must say that, unless you are real close on Mexican traditions, this movie will not really connect to you. Don't get me wrong it's a great little animation movie but the universe it portraits is just (in my opinion) a bit to far off for most children around the world.

Having said that, I do hope that if you are an animation fan like me, you take a look at it and enjoy it if not only for the great gags and great technique it uses.

A well worth a look three out of five!


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