Anime Review - Little Witch Academia: The Serie

This poster by Yoh Yoshinari shows all too well the shinning sense of the serie
Hello everyone,

First review of 2017 and this time I take a look back to my old times at anime review. I have to admit I've not been too keen on what's what on the anime world these days. Too much glitter and fan-service threw me off for a while but there are still some good series and some good creations that are well worth my time. This is one such...

Little Witch Academia  (2017) is by the same creative team behind huge successes like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Gainax) and Kill La Kill (Studio Trigger) but after these all out action driven series, this time they takes us to a most likely female Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling) fantasy.

The series is cute, well paced, funny and with some great animation. Most times looking at it I almost felt like a kid again, marveling at - not only the fantasy world - but also the animation world.

Trigger showing us - once again - that at midst of all the rose, blue, green of anime, there still shines a blue diamond sometimes!

A wondrous three out of five!


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