DVD Review - Solo: A Star Wars Story

No matter from where I look at this guy... He still doesn't feel like Solo to me!
Oh boy...

Before I make my review, I wanna tell you that I - like almost everyone - was more than a little disappointed with the direction of the new Star Wars movies. Ever since The Force Awakens (2015) came out, then Rogue One (2016) and The Last Jedi (2017), I was a thinking that the films were just not hitting the sweet spot for me.

If anything, the movies seemed to me more of the over use of everything we already knew that made Star Wars famous: Light sabers, Tie-Fighter, X-Wings, Storm Troopers and of course The Force but nothing new, nothing added to the universe or to the story we'd already knew a million times over.

I have to say that changed with Solo...

In Solo: A Star Wars Story we don't get all the the things we've already seen a million times over. The movie starts in a new planet and takes us on a journey about the outlaws, the criminals and the people outside the war between the Empire or the Rebellion.

It's here we find a story about a man that wanted to become a pilot and ultimately return to the love of his life (well, not life but teenage youth maybe). The film explores the Lucas Universe from a whole new perspective and delivers us a solid cool story in within the Star Wars Universe but ultimately not about the Star Wars itself. I've always had faith that Ron Howard (Director) would deliver a good movie and so he has, this is by far the my favorite film of the new franchise and a must watch for any Star Wars fan.

However, the movie has some problems, being the main one... Alden Ehrenreich. If you have no idea who that is, that's the actor who plays Solo and just like his name would imply, he looks - and feels - more like a WWII SS Lieutenant than a former carpenter (Yes, Harrison Ford was a carpenter) turned space outlaw.

Every time he's on screen I'm seeing some good acting in a nice story but I'm not seeing Solo. I don't know, maybe I'm over analyzing and people liked him but I certainly didn't. Really not! All in all the movie's good and it even had a good premise for the, now cancelled, Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan movie but that's all suspended until further notice by Disney/LucasFilm.

A space action three out of five.


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