DVD Review - Jack Reacher

Tom... not being his usual super agent self! Pretty cool!

I'm just gonna say this... I'm not a Tom Cruise fan!

Sure I liked Top Gun (for the planes), the MI series (for the action) and Minority Report (for Spielberg) so when I was told about "Jack Reacher" I wasn't very trilled for it. To me it was just another Tom Cruise trying to be himself on screen so I wasn't very interested on it but guess what... I was wrong!

What?! I'm human! I can make mistakes.

This movie has a great thing going for it (again not Tom) but I just loved the character of Jack. He's not a hero, or a special agent or a super hero, he's just an old army guy trying to do the right thing. And on that note, this was a perfect role for Tom. You know... the old guy trying to do good?

I love the intellect of the character, his drive in the story, the fact that he gets injured and still caries on. I was so surprised by this movie that I seriously hope this character (and Tom) return in the future cause it sure is worth it.

Only downside? I wanted to know more about the villains in the story cause they were pretty badass also.

Final call? Solid 3 out of 5!


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