DVD Review - OZ The Great And Powerful

This is a great and wonderful poster to a not so great and wonderful movie! 

Hya guys,

Time for another movie weekend review and this time I bring a bit of fantasy to our lives with Disney's OZ - The great and Powerful! So is this movie worth a look?

Well first you have Disney (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Sam Raimi (Spider-Man) on the credits so I know what your thinking "This movie must be pretty awesome right?!"... Well... No!

This movie has one of the worst plots I've seen in a block buster movie to date. The problem is they tried to make a drama/adventure movie with a bit of fantasy on the side but it failed. Some characters start good and end bad, some start bad and end up worse, some are only revealed as somewhat important at the very end, and most times you just follow OZ (James Franco) from one side to the other not really doing much then going with the flow of other characters.

To me (and I say this as a very particular opinion) this was a two hours prelude to the classic movie "The Wonderful Word of OZ", and had this been a comic with a good artist I might think it was ok. But this is a big budget movie... it should be simpler, more direct, more laughs, more fun story and not this.

I guess I can say I was a disappointed about this movie, but I guess I also might had some big expectations for it!

A not so wonderful 2 out of 5!


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