DVD Review - Space Battleship Yamato

Thirty years later we finally get the movie that should of have come out ten years early.
Hey guys, just back from the far east for yet another film review.

I've already reviewed one of Leiji Matsumoto creations here on my blog so it was time for me to go back in time and check this live action adaptation of yet another classic... Space Battleship Yamato.

I must admit I still remember seeing this series on the television (one of the first encounters with anime back in the day) and I was blown away by this awesome great ship with a major particle canon in front blasting enemies all over the galaxy. The series got a lot of fan but let's remember... it was the early 80's.

So now let's fast forward to 2010 and see how good a job they did with the adaptation. Well, my opinion... not that good!

We must remember, by this time J.J. Abrams has already done is new adaptation to the Star Trek and we've come along ways since Star Wars so when I look at this movie I go "Yes the battleship is accurate and every character is there but... why did they make it exactly like the original serie?!"

I mean they have some good CG in there but everything else looks nice... for the 80's! The movie hasn't mature one bit for the audience or new audience. They even use speaker phones! I guess that says it all pretty much.

If you're a fan of the series you'll be looking at a great movie adaptation if the movie was made in the 90's. For nowadays it just looks kinda ridiculous.

Even so... I'll give it a 2 out of 5. Because at least they made it!


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