DVD Review - King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

Cool poster I have to admit!
It's no secret I'm a huge Guy Ritchie fan.

It's also no secret I enjoy most of his movies. But Guy Ritchie is human. He makes mistakes and this movie well... let's just say if not a mistake, a mishap!

I always followed Guy Ritchie's work cause I like his edit and gags throwout the movie, unfortunately this felt like a film not his own but almost like a demand for him to direct.

My feeling is that he tried to "urbanize" the King Arthur legend with a bit of street London flavor and twists. The problem was dealing with the "fantasy" side of the story. Here you are following the story of a little boy turned king in the gutters of London (which is well portrayed in the movie btw) and all of the sudden... magic and demons and other stuff appears!

The balance of the movie was a bit off because of it and the "Ritchie flavor" was kind of lost because of it (at least to me). You may still enjoy it if you don't really care about the specifics of the Director in it but to me I think I'll have to wait for the next Sherlock Holmes movie to get my full.

A mixed felling 2 out of 5.


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