DVD Review - Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man Tell No Tales

Yet again Disney makes an effort to keep a franchise alive... and with good results this time!
Who hasn't heard about the great adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow? Who hasn't marveled at how pirate stories, sea stories and even magic stories all combine into one awesome franchise of fun and fantasy? We all have I'm sure... And now we have some more to marvel at!

Sure, Jack isn't his young former self. Sure, there are some new characters that don't had anything to the franchise and sure, this movie is just Disney money mongering at it's best but - let's be real - isn't that what movies are about? Some fun, some story, some magic, some popcorns, a few laughs and one hour and a half of good film magic?!

This - although not even close to the best we've seen of Jack - is a fun to watch family movie. It could very well be the end of the franchise, or maybe - just maybe - the very start of something new. I guess the future (and the sales) will be the judge of that!

A fun three out of five! 


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