DVD Review - Django Unchained

Despite the poster... not your typical Christmas movie! 

Hey my fellow african american friends!

Now don't get your pants in a twist over what I just said. If u ever see this movie you're gonna hear a lot of the "N" word so don't be alarmed if I start my review like this.

We all know Tarantino has done some great movies, and we all know some of his movies are not always easy to swallow and although the racism in the US is always a softy softy subject, Tarantino puts the finger right on the wound when he made this film. So one can understand that not all folks are gonna appreciate it the same way.

The plot follows as unchained black slave that seeks revenge on the white folks that treated him wrong and on the journey into finding his lost wife. During this journey he teams up with a (white) German bounty hunter and they raise all sorts of havoc wherever they go.

This movie is just amazing. The dialogues are just amazing, the characters are awesome and the whole story is just one hell of a saga between a man's love for his wife. Almost a touching love story (if not for all the folks that get killed on the way). It's a kind of spagetti western with a ghetto hip-hop modern flavor. 

I must admit that from the three oscar contenders this year (with the winner Argo and Zero Dark Thirty) this was the most "enjoyable" of them all. Still, the film takes a bit to long to get to the point and there's a lot of back and forward during the final part and that makes it lose it's rhythm a bit. And you know if there's one thing the black people are great at... it's rhythm!

A very spagetti 3 out of 5!


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