DVD Review - The Amazing Spider-Man 2

OMG Spider-Man against all his villains all at once?! This movie must be so awesome right?! Hmm... Wrooooooong!!


If you are a Spider-Man fan, if you like super-heroes of any kind, if you are a decent human being with any taste or knowledge of movies, you will find this movie not only bad, but offensive and stupid by any standards of the code of blockbuster movie making.


This movie makes absolutely no sense! Spider-man looks like a bipolar kid that uses the costume to let his alter ego have some fun and adventure while his normal Peter Parker just fight depression and relationship issues everyday. In literally every scene with Peter he's either crying or having a lovers depression and two minutes later he puts the costume and he's all the happy easy going Spider-Man fighting the most terrible villains in the city.

Also, the villains. They show up once - yes that's right ONCE - he fights them and wins. That's right! No build up, no saving anyone, no city global threat, just show up "I'm going to kill you because well I have to since I'm the villain" and that's pretty much it. Not only this is bad movie making, he - half an hour before the movie ends - defeats all three of them in a sequence of ten minutes of each other. No relation between them whatsoever except by the fact that they all wanna get rid of Spider-Man for whatever reason the script writer thought of in five minutes.

I loved the Sam Raimi Spider-Man movies. The hero was a struggling teenager trying to balance his normal life with aunt and girlfriends while hiding his super-alter-ego and protecting everyone. This... This is the Twilight of Marvel movies. A lot of Romeo and Juliet couple nonsense and almost nothing of the epicness and human strong values that other (Marvel) movies have show us in later years!

I'm only giving it an average score because I know this kind of crap will appeal to a certain kind of audience - females and kids who are to young to know better. I'm already scared of the next one. Marvel, please save us!

A disastrous 3 out of 5. 


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