Movie Review - Guardians of the Galaxy

You know... sometimes the movie IS as good as it's poster! This is one of those cases!

Hey people, guys, buddies, mattes and strangers,

So guess what movie did I saw this week? Oh, you read the title? Good! That's right, Guardians of the Galaxy, the new Marvel movie franchise has made it's debut and the question on everyone's mind is how good really is this movie? Well to give a short answer... It's gooooooooood!

To tell you how good it is I have to go back as far as Star Wars to just give you an idea of the flavor it tasted like to me. Now, I'm not gonna say it's the best Marvel movie yet cause only this year we had another pretty good one with "The Winter Soldier" but I will say it's made the top three without question. (Right after The Avengers - if you were curious).

Why you ask? Well to start off, this movie was kind of a curve ball for Marvel. I mean new characters that no one's ever really heard about. New actors that have never really been on a blockbuster of this sort - except maybe Zoe on Avatar but even still - the first WWE superstar to land an acting "gig" like this. I mean even the "unknowed" universe and hero... There was a lot Marvel was pushing on this but at the end of it all nothing but greatness!

This movie is funny, smart, entertaining, emotional, fast, visually stunning, great soundtrack and most of all just good clean out of the Galaxy fun. I mean I was so blown away, not only by Groot and Rocket of course, but really by the adventure all in itself. It even had Thanos in it (although not as epic supreme as I would of wanted him to be). The minutes just flew by and at the end I felt like I had the best meal I wasn't planning in a long time.

You must see it, you will see it and believe me, you'll love it!

A definitive 5 out of 5.


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