Anime Review - Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale

Mewh... This is a mild poster compared to the movie! 
Hello everyone, long time no see...

Back at it with more - sometimes amazing - movie reviews. Today I bring you a step to the past. To my younger youthful days when anime was probably 90% of everything I watched. Yes, I've been a long time Otaku but I've since dialed down a bit for a more serious movie options.

But occasionally I do go back and this movie is sure worth the "trip"!

Sword Art Online is one of those precious gems of Japanese animations that will still top any Pixar/Disney movie when it comes to fast paced action sequences. It's a fun, light, cool trip into the world of fantasy MMO gaming that tackles some issues of how the game environment can somewhat change or control it's players.

But that's all beside the point...

The point is this is a very cool anime to watch and it's well worth your time! If you have young kids that are into gaming this is one you cannot miss!

A very clear and cool four out of five!


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