Movie Review - Thor: Ragnarok

If you're expecting a Guardians of the Galaxy mash up... You're not far off!
I know what you're about to say: "Marvel has done it again! Another blockbuster! I don't think I can take it anymore! How can they keep doing the same thing over and over!"... Well they didn't!

This is nothing like any Thor (or Marvel movie you've ever seen). Yes, the action is the same. Yes, the heroes and the explosions are there. And yes, the story follows the same adventurous universe but the comedy... Oh my God the comedy!

This is without a doubt the funniest, most hilarious Marvel movie to date (and yes, even for Guardians of the Galaxy)! If there was a Monty Python version of a Marvel movie... this would be it!

I laugh in between the action. I laugh during the action. I basically laugh the entire movie! And I hope you will to!

A five out of five to this... really!


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